Exhibition Space Design

This is the layout that I have decided on the exhibition. It consists of a five room layout, three being exhibition spaces and the other two being exits and entrances. I forced myself to take a step back from trying to take people on some sort of deep experience and focus on how I could apply design and what kind of space would best promote this; then built the space from there. All of the way finding includes the same visual device as the logo in order to have the unified feel throughout. In the exit a ‘brick emporium’ can be seen. Instead of a standard gift shop this exhibition will have only one kind of merchandise. Bricks. Linking back to some of the original ideas of how people attach themselves to physical objects that they can feel and hold, a brick has so many strong characteristics that can promote the feelings of being grounded in the moment to ‘reality’. By having these branded bricks sold on the way out it can be an opportunity of grounding while also something that will always remind you of these ideas, a reminder of how things may not be how they seem.

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