Decision Trees and Clip Development

Continuing on from my idea of using film clips to make a video advertisement I have put together my first draft using the same visual style as my first test. Originally I intended to just use clips from any well known films but I have now taken it in a themed direction of sticking to all halloween clips. The thinking behind this is that there could be a series of these, each using different thematic holidays as their visual style. By doing this there would be a sense of incorporating the campaign into every day life. Even though this is only a first draft it did take a surprisingly long time to put together, a lot longer than I had originally expected considering I didn’t have to do any animation . The process was quite fiddly but I do like the visual style quite a bit.

I am left with two main concerns after though, the first was the sound, I had intended to overlay some kind of beat that was representative of an irregular or regular heartbeat but it just didn’t fit. I tried music as well, ones with a irregular beat that fitted the theme, i tried songs like Put a spell on you by Screamin Jay hawkins but music like that didn’t fit either. For now I have left it soundless and hope that when I develop the visuals further the direction for the music will be more apparent.

My other worry is the overall message, I think the slow pace of the video plays a part but the message just isn’t as strong or memorable as I had hoped. The visuals feel just that bit too random and separate from the message as much as I try to tie them in. I think in a revised version I would have to find clips that fit slightly better with the message, this could be following suggested actions that are being said or have clips that follow on from each-other. Either way it is going to be difficult one to get it just how I envisioned.

There is nothing to say I need to necessarily do printed outcomes but I have been considering how to elaborate on the diagnosis process and how someone would go about it, I have eluded that the viewer should do it but have said very little but how they would do so. So this next piece of design is meant to solve that, thinking about it as information design I have created a decision tree of sorts that guides you through the process. It was a fun one to think about constructing and it still allowed a bit of play amongst the serious nature. The first step technically serves little purpose as they both go to the same place but it is there to demonstrate that whether you think there could be something wrong or not you should still be checking regardless. I then go onto describe the process with a few points that guide you to seek GP assistance if it is irregular. The tree ends with a reminder that it is not something to just do once and forget about and that it should repeated in the future, something I feel should be in all of the outcomes in some way. In terms of how this would physically work I think this could work maybe as a fold up poster with the information in the top right being folded in a way that it is the front – giving information about what it is. Equally this could be reformatted into a leaflet of sorts where each decision is divided through the book. I think the concept is strong for the this context and if I found the right way to develop it it will work well.

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